Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our little Chef in training!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Stockings are so much fun!

This is nice shot of the girls trying to get all of the presents from under the tree!

Isn't Shayna just growing up so fast? She got all kinds of HSM stuff! She loves Troy!

Ava got a FP3 Player(fisher price)! She loves it!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Happy Holidays!

Ava and Frosty!!!

Is it Christmas Day yet? I want to open presents!

Ready to play in the snow!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Auntie Amber, Ava and Jade! Amber would you hurry up and move here...we can't take it anymore. This has been a tough Thanksgiving for me, I am glad you were here. Love you!

Kyla, Jade, Shayna and Ava on Thanksgiving!

What beautiful girls! Jade we miss you already.

Friday, November 02, 2007

This is our crazy Amber!!!! We love you and miss you!!!!

Halloween is awesome!!!!

Shayna looked so cool this year!

I know, I know, I am the cutest butterfly EVER!!!!

Shayna and her crazy friends!! They had a good time!

Happy Halloween!

Look at me! I'm going potty!!!! WOOHOO!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Ava's first time on roller skates! She did a pretty good job! Won't be long and she'll be a pro!

Watch out Ava's driving!

Cameron got a really cool car for his birthday! As you can see Ava wants to ride too!

Happy Birthday to Cameron! (Cameron is Ava's best friend)

She finally got her Heely's! Now if she can just figure out how they work! ha!

Happy 8th Birthday to Shayna!!!! We love you baby girl!

Monday, September 24, 2007

We made it through the day! I think they actually did have a good time.

Hi Nana! Thanks for the trip to Kings Island! We love you!

Yummy ice cream!

This was Ava's favorite ride!

King's Island! WOOHOO!

Yummy Pizza!

Opening presents! So much fun!

Ava and Cameron hiding from all the big girls!

Shayna's Birthday Bash! What a night!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Run baby! Run!

Check her out! She looks so grown up!

Mommy's little ball player!!!

Thanks Auntie Amber for Elmo! I love him!

Check out my backpack! Sissy helped me put it on.

Do you like my hair clip? Mommy loves it!

My first day of school! I'm going to preschool one day a week now!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thanks Uncle Don for the GREAT pictures!

On top of the world!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Shayna's first day as a second grader! I can't believe my baby is already a second grader! The day was not a good day. They were supposed to be released from school at 12:55pm so she should have been home by 1:30pm. She didn't arrive home until 3:30pm. WHAT A NIGHTMARE......but she was fine, the buses didn't show up to pick them up from school so they didn't get dismissed until 2:40ish....but I was a nervous wreck until I got the call that she was home safely

Back to school.....

Now this is FUN!