Monday, September 24, 2007

We made it through the day! I think they actually did have a good time.

Hi Nana! Thanks for the trip to Kings Island! We love you!

Yummy ice cream!

This was Ava's favorite ride!

King's Island! WOOHOO!

Yummy Pizza!

Opening presents! So much fun!

Ava and Cameron hiding from all the big girls!

Shayna's Birthday Bash! What a night!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Run baby! Run!

Check her out! She looks so grown up!

Mommy's little ball player!!!

Thanks Auntie Amber for Elmo! I love him!

Check out my backpack! Sissy helped me put it on.

Do you like my hair clip? Mommy loves it!

My first day of school! I'm going to preschool one day a week now!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thanks Uncle Don for the GREAT pictures!

On top of the world!!!